Tahun 2022
No | Judul | Penulis | Nama Conference/Jurnal |
1 | Sailing the wave of modernization: Traditional Boats Incorporated in New Inter-island Freight Transport System in Indonesia | Mohamad Narotama, Joewono Soemardjito, Kuncoro Harto Widodo, Dewanti Dewanti, Hengki Purwoto & Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan | The 5th International Conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development COSVARD 2022 |
2 | Development of local lead commodities to reduce empty back load on sea toll program in Indonesia | Kuncoro Harto Widodo, Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan, Joewono Soemardjito & Sarah Auliya Furjatullah | The 5th International Conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development COSVARD 2022 |
Tahun 2021
Tahun 2020
No | Judul | Penulis | Nama conference / jurnal / penerbit |
1 | Evaluation and Analysis of the Use of Frequent Flyer Program (Case Study: Garuda Indonesia Frequent Flyer Program) | Ahmad Munawar, Dian Virda Sejati | 26th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (WCASET), Manila, Philipina, 26 – 27 February 2020 |
2 | Current research on city logistics and possible adoption in developing countries | 1) Kuncoro Harto Widodo
2) Yandra Rahadian Perdana 3) Russell G. Thompson 4) Hengki Purwoto, 5) Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan, 6) Joewono Soemardjito |
The 5th International Conference On Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering 2019 (ICIMECE 2019) | AIP Publishing | Published : 2020 |
3 | Estimasi Tingkat Kebisingan Dampak Operasi Keberangkatan Tunggal Pesawat Boeing 747 Di Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya | 1) Fitrady Pahala
2) Wiwid Suryono 3) Supriadi 4) Sa’duddin |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan (Snitp) Tahun 2020
ISSN : 2548-8090 |
4 | Analysis of Anti-Intrusion of Saline Water Well Using Sunjoto’s Metho | Sunjoto | 26th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (WCASET), Manila, Philipina, 26 – 27 February 2020 |
Tahun 2019
No |
Judul | Penulis |
Terbitan |
1 | Pemanfaatan City Logistic di Kota Lubuk Linggau | Deni Prasetio Nugroho, Kuncoro Harto Widodo | Simposium Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi ke-22
Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, 01 – 03 November 2019 |
2 | Pengaruh Skenario Shifting Moda Transportasi Terhadap Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Studi Kasus: Angkutan Kereta Api Makassar – Parepare) | Joewono Soemardjito, Imam Muthohar, Sa’dudin | |
3 | Implementasi Kebijakan Angkutan Jalan Perintis | Hafid Lastito, Dewanti | |
4 | Perkiraaan Permintaan Penumpang Bandar Udara Baru (Studi Kasus Bandara Kediri) | Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan, Juhri Iwan Agriawan, Hengki Purwoto | |
5 | Faktor-faktor yang Mendorong Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Melakukan Speeding | Jan Prabowo Harmanto, Dewanti, Sa’dudin, Lilik Wachid Budi Susilo | |
6 | Perencanaan Layanan Transportasi di Obyek Daya Tarik Wisata Heritage Kabupaten Sleman – Studi Kasus Obyek Daya Tarik Wisata Kabupaten Sleman Bagian Timur | Muads, Dewanti, Jan Prabowo Harmanto, Deni Prasetio Nugroho | |
7 | Evaluasi Tata Kelola Pelabuhan di Indonesia | Iwan Puja Riyadi, Nur Yuwono | |
8 | Pola Spasial Temporal Kecelakaan Lalulintas di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta | Saduddin, Dewanti, Jan Prabowo Harmanto, Hendra Edi Gunawan | |
9 | Transportasi Sekolah Berkeadilan untuk Perbaikan Sistem Zonasi: Kasus Kota Yogyakarta | Juhri Iwan Agriawan, Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan, Agus Taufik Mulyono | International Conference of Transportation Research and Innovation 2019
Hotel Ayana Midplaza, JAKARTA, 13 – 14 November 2019 |
10 | Potensi Pemanfaatan Terminal Penumpang Menjadi Pusat Logistik (Studi Kasus Terminal Simpang Periuk, Kota Lubuklinggau, Sumatera Selatan) | Yessi Gusleni, Deni Prasetio Nugroho | |
11 | Analisis Aksesibilitas Yogyakarta International Airport untuk Mendukung Layanan Transportasi Antarmoda | Listantari, Joewono Soemardjito | |
12 | Explaining the Pitfalls of Megaprojects in Developing Countries: A Case of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail | Hengki Purwoto, Joewono Soemardjito, Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan | The AC21 workshop on “Constructing the 21th-Century Silk Road: Southeast Asia in the Race for Connectivity and Geopolitical Interests”
Freiburg, Germany, 25 June 2019 |
13 | Current Research on City Logistics and Possible Adoption in Developing Countries | Kuncoro Harto Widodo, Yandra Rahadian Perdana, Russell G. Thompson, Hengki Purwoto, Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan, Joewono Soemardjito | International Conference on Industrial,
Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering 2019 (ICIMECE 2019) The Alana Hotel and Convention Centre, Jl. Adi Sucipto, Surakarta, 17 – 18 September 2019 |